- Financial Solutions
- Buy new
- Insurance products
- Local Investment Fund, Innovation Mutual Funds and Girardin law
- Buy new
- Financial products
- Solutions for tax relief
- Buy older and make it new
- Tax REIT
- Buy older and make it new
- Serviced residences and furnished rental
- Real estate products
- Diversification
- Real estate solutions
- Serviced residences and furnished rental
- Crypto assets
- Green finance
- Wealth Management
- financial audit
- Private individuals
- Statement of assets
- Buy new
- Credit for individuals
- Financing your business
- V.A.E
- Buy older and make it new
- Assets allocation
- Business
- Financial Statement
- Credit for companies
- Finance your professional equipment
- Bachelor Financial Advisor
- Serviced residences and furnished rental
- Financial statement
- International
- Insurance and retirement assessment
- Financing a share buyback
- Master in Wealth Management
- Report of your tax situation
- Credit
- Leveraged Buy Out
- Mandatory annual training
- Training program
- Tailor-made training
- Life insurance: is the French’s preferred investment dead?
- Real estate interest rates down: is this really a good thing for investors?
- The new reform of the abuse of rights: do you risk tax adjustment?
- Wealth A7 turns 15!
- Traditional investments are paying less and less ... You need us!
- What future for your retirement pension ?
- Wealth A7 wishes you a happy New Year!
- Start 2020 with a recognized player in wealth management!
- The progressive tax scale will evolve in 2020 : are you winner or loser ?
- The end of an exceptionnel niche
- Real estate firm : income tax or corporate tax ?
- Drop in the 'Livret A' rate in 2020: how to make your savings grow?
- New Retirement Savings Plan: do you know the 'PERE OB'?
- SRI funds: how to combine performance and ethics?
- Anticipate your future, think bare ownership!
- Life insurance : why pick a luxembourgian contract ?
- Coronavirus: how to guarantee your capital despite the stock markets fall and the high volatility.
- Panic in the markets! What shall we do?
- Wealth 17, always by your side !
- A war or a new era?
- Plan!
- Certainties of yesterday will not be evidence of tomorrow!
- Overview of financial and real estate investments: how to choose?
- Real estate facing Coronavirus: investing is thinking
- Plan and protect!
- Service residences: which can be of most service to you?
- Diversified real estate is not rocket science!
- Ministerial response Pellois: can short-term rental still last?
- Inflation alert!
- Donation of goods purchased on credit - Is this prohibited?
- Article 150-0 B ter is thunder!
- Thank you!
- Can we trust the trust?
- Bring a building to a family real estate company or an LLC, be careful!
- "C'est l'OR... il est l'OR de se réveiller... MonseignOR"
- Furnished rental, professional or non professional regime?
- Great news at Wealth A7!
- Farmers, which structure for your objectives?
- Enjoy article 790Abis of the General Tax Code to boost your projects!
- Tick tock… Attention, last days before the definitive disappearance of PERP!
- End of tax exemption on houses in 2021: maybe not?
- Useful and profitable, have you thought about crowdfunding?
- Passing on your business: which solution to choose?
- Renovated old real estate: ethical and profitable
- Isn't the OBO beautiful?
- What to do with the “deeply negative” rates that threaten your money?
- "Nothing is lost, nothing is created: everything is transformed !!!"
- Never too late to optimize your taxation!
- What's new in new real estate?
- From a viral wave to a digital wave
- Give meaning to your savings: the new real estate SRI label
- Post-Covid retirement, shall we talk about it?
- Life Insurance Contract: if the deferred profit sharing would be the considered solution?
- Happy New Year!
- Conditions to obtain real estate loans: 2020…Bad, 2021…Good
- International REITs for maximum profitability
- Impatriate status: if you could benefit from it ...
- New or old real estate: a difficult choice!
- Real Estate Company and resale: what happens in case of capital gain?
- Economic point : OPEC & Convertible Bonds on display
- Overview of a constantly changing summer
- Economic news: an effervescent month of August!
- When the omicron moves to the stock table
- Projections on the elections
- NFT: the next digital revolution?
- Happy New Year !
- Loan insurance: the end of the health questionnaire
- Brokerage Reform
- MiCA: the replacement for French cryptoassets regulations
- 2022 tax return: what's new?
- ECB monetary policy and war in Ukraine: explanation
- Deezer and I2PO: SPACs the new standard for IPOs?
- The Lemoine law, how to change your loan insurance from June 2022 ?
- Structured products and inflation: should you invest?
- A new real estate market: the Metaverse
- How to compare your life insurance or your PER from June 1st ?
- The tontine: how to facilitate the transmission of one's real estate assets?
- Pacte Dutreil: the Court of Cassation updates its position on animating holding companies!
- Why is it becoming more and more difficult to obtain a loan?
- MiFID II: new obligation to advise on ESG criteria!
- Why opt for a shared donation rather than a simple donation?
- New quinquennium: what changes for the taxation of cohabitants?
- What are the differences between a capitalization contract and a life insurance ?
- Wealth A7 wishes you a happy vacation !
- Pinel scheme: what changes from 2023!
- The associated cross guarantee: anticipate the transmission of your company!
- Inflation: why are we hearing about variable rate loans?
- Starting a business: what assistance can you receive?
- FTX: what happened?
- What is the purpose of a beneficiary clause in life insurance?
- Ab initio dismemberment: what is it?
- Housing your child free of charge: a duty or a gift?
- 2023, what year for real estate?
- The monthly revision of the usury rate
- Retirement, a problem! What are the solutions?
- Obligation to declare property assets
- Transferability of life insurance policies
- Financial investments and the elderly
- The consequences of inflation for savers
- How to invest in real estate?
- The fall of the Silicon Valley Bank, what consequences for investments?
- The Groupement Forestier
- Spotlight on tax evasion
- It's time for the 2023 tax return!
- Understanding the right to make mistakes
- Today, focus on the IFI
- Everything you need to know about crowdlending!
- Is it the housing crisis?
- Deduction of charges on rental properties
- Crisis over the US debt ceiling
- Why call on the services of a Wealth Advisor?
- Why entrust your savings to an independent financial adviser?
- Understanding the stock market
- Financial investments put to the test by the energy transition
- Alternative investments
- Understanding the PER!
- Property dealing
- What is a wealth assessment?
- Decarbonization of the financial world
- A short summer break!
- Transferability of credit
- BRICS Summit
- Bonds and inflation!
- Central bank decisions in the light of inflation
- Inflation, a familiar word but unknown consequences!
- Toulouse in Zone A - what does this change?
- The Prêt à Taux Zéro
- Life insurance: a long-term investment?
- Diversification and optimisation: the ABCs of wealth management!
- A new offer: a structured product with a ratchet effect
- What news from the bond market?
- Is this the end of the restitution claim?
- The Prêt à Taux Zéro in 2024
- Finance Act 2024: what impact will it have on furnished tenants?
- Your VAE with Wealth A7!
- Taxation of dividends
- Macroeconomic point: 8,000 points!
- Life annuity mortgage
- Central banks face up to economic and geopolitical realities
- End of the bourgeois dwelling clause! What impact will airbnb have?
- The 2024 tax return period has begun!
- Turnkey old buildings: the perfect compromise for 2024
- European elections and ECB meeting: what outlook for the markets in June?
- Investing in gold, yes, but on what medium?
- Wealth strategies, the heart of Wealth Management
- Savings accounts and financial investments in the light of falling inflation
- It's time for a summer break for your Wealth A7 practice!
- Back from holiday: ready for the new school year and new projects!
- The global macroeconomic context and the mini-stock market crash of 5 August 2024
- Reform of managed LMNP: what impact for investors ?
- Patrimonia Conference: Tax and politics, what strategies for the future?
- Preparing for the transfer of your business: the different stages in a successful handover
- PER for minors: end of an option, what alternatives are there to prepare for their future?