The december 22, 2023

This week we won't be tackling any economic, tax or legal issues! This week, we simply want to thank you for reading us and for your confidence in us, day after day.

In this year of 2023, marked by a lively geopolitical and inflationary context, our firm Wealth A7 and all our wealth management colleagues have worked tirelessly to continue to support you meticulously in your projects. We would like to thank them!

We would particularly like to thank all our partners for their dedication and responsiveness on a daily basis! Our analytical work and our ability to propose solutions depend essentially on them.

But above all, a big thank you to our customers for the trust they continue to place in us. We can never say it often enough, but they are our best ambassadors!

Wealth A7 will be officially closed from the evening of 22 December 2023, and will be delighted to reopen its doors on 2 January 2024! The entire Wealth A7 team wishes you a very happy festive season. We look forward to seeing you in 2024 to continue to support you in your projects!

In this fast-moving world, we're constantly reinventing ourselves to bring your dreams to life!


Article by : WEALTH A7

Request for consultation

32, rue d’Alsace Lorraine 31000 Toulouse


Phone : +(33) 6 27 36 33 53 - contact@wealth-A7.com